Welcome to the most important certificate, nowadays accepted in 154 countries around the world!


Commerce has become one of fundamental academic streams, now consisting of a wide range of interdisciplinary branches including Economics, Finance, Law, Business Behaviour, eCommerce, Marketing and the usage of Information and Communication Technologies. As the global economy permanently creates new connections between people, companies and markets, the need for commercially orientated professionals from various background specializations is increasing rapidly. Therefore, GCL presents one of the most important certificates nowadays!

GCL - Global Commerce Licence
® certification program represents the joint work of the numerous experts from prestigious universities worldwide (USA, China, Japan, India, Europe, Australia, Africa …) and European Chamber of Commerce, Trade and Industry - (EEIG) from Brussels, as unique verification of commercial skills which is nowadays becoming very important for individuals as well as company’s business success.

In order to obtain the GCL Certificate®candidates need to pass exams which are organized in four modules:

  1. ICT- Information and Communication Technologies
  2. Business Ethics and Behaviour
  3. International Law and Regional practice
  4. Economics and Finance

In case that candidate already obtained some certification for any of the above mentioned skills, at a school, university or a similar institution, they should present it to the GCL examiner. That qualification can be accepted instead of exams in the matching GCL modules. Maximum of three certifications issued by other specialized institutions can be accepted, as it is obligatory to pass at least one of the GCL modules in order to obtain the GCL certificate.

Candidates are free to use different ways to prepare them self for GCL exams. We are offering free tests available on this very web page, as well as a consult with our recommended literature section.

The GCL certificate is recognized in all countries worldwide. Therefore, you may take the exams, one by one at various GCL Test Centers with the same GCL Index. All GCL exams are the same and established as the unique on-line testing world wide.

When candidates complete all of exams, their GCL certificate will be stored permanently under button check certificate for review by them self, employer or anybody whom it may concern. It can be also printed as many times as needed.

EEIG European economic Chamber
EEIG European economic Chamber

© EEIG 2010